12 July 2021
What a year 2020 was! From staying at home to working from home, our lives changed dramatically. Included in these changes was the sudden need for a home office. You might have found yourself frantically clearing out the spare room or rearranging your dining room to make way for this new way of working! But that was all last year! Now, if you have been wondering about what your home office in 2021 should look like, we got you covered. Let's take a look and get some inspiration to turn your home office into the perfect working space for you.
24 June 2021
As the Covid-19 compelled many of us to work from home, remote working has been hogging the limelight these past two years, giving us a taste of the many benefits that remote working has to offer. If the lockdown taught us anything, it’s that the flexibility of remote work has resulted in a happier, more productive staff.
18 May 2021
Finding a job could be a task, especially when you're an undergraduate, or pursuing your graduation and without a professional degree. Well, since the culture of part-time jobs is popularizing (thanks to the west!), there are several ways to find a job. In this article, we shall be discussing the different ways by which you could find a suitable job for yourself.
7 May 2021
In this present age and time, there are more working mothers than there are stay-at-home mothers. According to research, the percentage of working mothers in the United States increased from fifty percent to seventy-five percent from 1969 to 2019. Truth be told, being committed to home are work duties is tough and mothers are doing a great job handling both home and work duties.
26 April 2021
A word is a different place from what it was barely a few decades back. Many new disciplines have come up that our previous generations had not even dreamt about. This makes the choice of a specific discipline as well as the choice of school for advanced learning, all the more important for your future prospects. In the long run, your choice of career will depend almost entirely on your choice of school as well as the disciple you pursue there.
7 April 2021
Nowadays, women are underrepresented in fields where employment is rising, like the engineering and information and communications technology (ICT) sections. In the last year, the demand for digital profiles has increased by nearly 40%. The supply of available digital profiles has only increased by 7.6%. Hence, there are many initiatives for generating the so-called STEM vocations (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) to ensure new generations select this sector as their only option for the future.
16 March 2021
What is much more important than getting a job is your salary. The salary can be a determining factor for accepting or declining a job. Sometimes, employees push the question of, "what salary are you seeking?" to you. It can be very tricky as you will want to get the highest pay without killing your shot at the job. Now comes the issue of what salary you should ask for at a job interview. Here are tips for answering the question.
23 February 2021
The translation is becoming more critical as the need to communicate with various people around the world suffices. The need for global communication is arising as businesses, organizations, companies, and even countries are building international relationships. Different people, organizations, and governments speak different languages, creating the need for translation services.
4 February 2021
The year 2020 just passed, and it is safe to say that the year has been notably difficult for the majority of the population. Considering that 2020 involved both health and economic crisis due to the COVID – 19 pandemic, people find ways to make ends meet in what some call the ‘new normal’. One of the greatest changes and adjustments made in 2020 is shifting from an office-centered working environment to a notably remote work setup. Considering the changes that happened in 2020, aren’t you curious about what could be the skills and characteristics employers are looking for now in 2021? With that, here are some of the widely considered must-have job skills for 2021.
2 February 2021
There is so much uncertainty about the future, and with many people having to work remotely, the whole going to the office concept to work has altered too. For many people, this means that the office has moved into their living room!