Compensation and benefits
Payroll is a necessary evil for many small business owners. It is not about paying the employees but the process involving the payroll. The employer needs to deposit the amount in each employee's account one by one. Plus, the calculation of the compensation of how much each employee will get each month is very tedious.
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Compensation and benefits
Pracujú u vás mileniáli, mladí kolegovia vo veku 25 až 36 rokov, ktorí patria do tzv. generácie Y? Prečítajte si, ako hodnotia súčasné pracoviská a čo im u zamestnávateľov najviac chýba. Chcete im nastaviť zaujímavý odmeňovací systém? Ktoré benefity sú pri tejto skupine zamestnancov najpreferovanejšie? Odpovede na tieto otázky sme zisťovali cez nástroj Data Research od medzinárodného platového prieskumu Paylab.com, ktorý prevádzkuje spoločnosť Profesia.
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Compensation and benefitsSalaries in segmentSalary negotiation
On the labour market, our career performance is valued by our salary and this money is spent on the things we need and want. The amount of our salary has a multitude of effects on our everyday life and its quality. There are even studies that have examined the connection between salary and personal happiness. According to the international salary portal, salary is still one of the most important criteria when considering a new job and survey results show that finding a better paying job tends to be a more effective strategy than negotiating a higher salary from a current employer. Why are people increasingly sensitive to how much they earn? Why is a salary such a critical part of our lives?
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Compensation and benefits
Taking an opportunity to "unplug" can be very appealing to employees in the face of a crush of work responsibilities. But did you actually know that holidays are also connected with stress or unexpected strange feelings? Tourists from Japan, The United States or Canada may enjoy holidays differently as they have fewer statutory vacation days per year compared to European standards. We might say they are under even more time pressure to ensure they get their desired relaxation Paylab analysis showed that in some countries, however, going on holiday is a true luxury. The proportion of days off per year can also multiply the stress connected with a vacation. Have you ever experienced any of the following strange feelings when you are "out of office"?
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Compensation and benefitsSalaries in segment
Your education is likely to affect your children’s future direction. Various research has suggested that when parents have a university education, it’s very likely that their children will also study at college. Whilst children from weaker social environments - mainly due to their parents' attitudes - have lower overall aims and chances for a better life. Higher education is an opportunity for many young people to make a positive change and combat poverty. But is it really worth investing the time, energy and money in university studies? Paylab.com has set out to answer these questions from the wider perspective.
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Compensation and benefits
When a company decides to hire new employees, educates them, invests in a probation period and all the requisite technologies, understandably, it expect staff to stay as long as possible. But there is always churn. The Paylab Loyalty Report shows that, in general, loyal employees working for one employer for more than 5 years are in the minority on the labour market at only 27.5%. The largest group is those who are employed for less than 2 years. Attitudes of Millennials and Generation Z are even more complicated, because they have a tendency to consider their career challenges more often and look for opportunities elsewhere. What specific action steps can employers take in order to retain employees on board longer? How many employees do receive loyalty bonus?
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Compensation and benefitsPay equitySalary negotiation
Only 6% of women are ranked among the best paid employees. For the sake of comparison, as many as 13% of working men belong to this group. At present, there is a lot of debate about the unequal remuneration of men and women. This phenomenon is rather complex and Paylab portal has focused on 7 areas which significantly help reduce salary differences.
In any case, Paylab’s advice to women is that one of the best weapons in the struggle against salary dissatisfaction is to regularly monitor salaries for the same work position and to assertively negotiate salary terms.
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Compensation and benefits
Companies care about keeping their employees fit and motivate them towards a healthy lifestyle with many non-financial benefits. Large employers in particular try and do everything they can in terms of supporting health and prevention to contribute to the right lifestyle among their people. Corporate employee care now incorporates health programmes to support healthy habits among company employees. Essentially, this is risk management in favour of a healthy workplace. Companies engage in these programmes voluntarily and often invest large amounts of money in them.
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Compensation and benefits
Did you recommend your friend or acquaintance to your HR department for hiring? In some companies you can receive as a reward for such a service some financial or non-financial benefits. Companies begun to reward employees if they help bring new and skilled help into the firm. Referral bonuses are a good way for companies to build a community among employees. It is in the employee's own best interests to recommend a high-quality candidate as they are personally engaged in the entire process.
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Compensation and benefitsSalary negotiation
People with a friendly relationship with their boss have salaries that are roughly 14 per cent higher than respondents who have a reserved or unfriendly relationship with their boss. The Paylab.com salary portal completed an international employee survey on the characteristics that contemporary managers lack the most. The portal also examined how their relationship with their boss influenced their salaries. The right remuneration is the one of the key pillars of correct relationships with direct superiors.
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