Compensation and benefits
Paylab decided to map the trends currently going on in the world of non-financial benefits. Employers are forced to largely and quickly adapt to modern times and people’s needs in the 21st century. Work is an integral part of lifestyle, and in many cases privacy is largely connected with one’s job. Some employee benefits try to tear down workplace stereotypes and guarantee assistance and convenience.
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Compensation and benefitsSalaries in segmentSalary negotiation
Digital Nomads are productive people, who don’t feel like doing classic corporate job. They are looking for alternative way of how to make a living, which can be, thanks to the internet, provided from anywhere in the world. They can work remotely while traveling and discovering themselves in new parts of the world. For a long time was Bali, the island in Indonesia, or Chiang Mai in Thailand, the most attractive places for Nomads because of its exotic beaches and low operating costs. But given the actual trends it is obvious that Nomads took a fancy to cities in Central Europe such as Budapest, Prague and Tallinn. So not only exotic islands but also these cities are up-to-date digital paradises.
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Compensation and benefitsSalaries in segment
It happens very often that personnel professionals in companies give a slight sigh during a job interview when it comes to applicants and their effusively high salary expectations. Applicants often don’t know, or have distorted imaginations about real salary range on a position they are applying for. Paylab tried to find out whether HR professionals have a good estimate for salaries. The fact is that “salary vision versus reality” is a challenge not just for applicants but also for HR professionals. We found it out on a special conference HR days, which took place in October 2016 in Prague (Czech Republic), and was a part of the biggest Czech job expo – Profesia Days 2016 Prague.
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Compensation and benefitsSalary negotiation
At Paylab, we focus on providing access to salary data. The idea behind our blog is simple: we hope that every person can achieve a “wealthy” life. From our point of view, wealth is defined as having the right amount of finances to cover all of life’s costs for an individual and his or her family members. The blog aims to help you maintain your financial independence – even during life’s more difficult moments – and give you ideas for earning more and saving more.
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