Friendly relationship with boss brings more money

Compensation and benefitsSalary negotiation
People with a friendly relationship with their boss have salaries that are roughly 14 per cent higher than respondents who have a reserved or unfriendly relationship with their boss. The salary portal completed an international employee survey on the characteristics that contemporary managers lack the most. The portal also examined how their relationship with their boss influenced their salaries. The right remuneration is the one of the key pillars of correct relationships with direct superiors.

The survey is part of PAYLAB COMPENSATION MONITOR which observes on regular basis trends related to remuneration.

Let’s watch key findings in this VIDEO:



Four in ten employees characterise their relationship with their boss as neutral to negative. Specifically, 35 per cent of respondents have a reserved relationship with their boss with a distinct feeling of mutual distance. A further 4 per cent of employees report that their relationship with their direct supervisor is cold to unfriendly in nature.

People who earn above the national average often have a more friendly relationship with their direct supervisor with those who earn below the national average. The right remuneration is the one of the key pillars of correct relationships with direct superiors.



61 per cent of respondents report a friendly relationship with their boss. An interesting finding is that people with a friendly relationship with their boss have salaries that are roughly 14 per cent higher than respondents who have a reserved or unfriendly relationship with their boss. This difference in salary, connected to the type of relationship with the boss, was noted in all countries where the survey was conducted.

The survey also indicates that people in management positions, qualified technical employees, IT employees and employees 35 and younger in general have better relationships with their supervisors.

The survey was conducted from July to September 2017 over a sample of 52,120 respondents working in all current industries, positions and levels of management. Read more findings about the survey in Paylab Newsroom.

Communication and Market Research Specialist with focus on Compensation & Benefits