Salary data for country: Colombia

Textile, Leather, Apparel Industry

Fabric Cutter

We collect data for the given position

We are constantly collecting data from employees so that we can advise you and others on what salary to negotiate in a job interview or in your current job. Fill out the questionnaire and help others.

Description of job position

  • Taking customer measurements using a tape measure (for sewing garments on request).
  • Taking notes on distinctive figure imperfections (e.g. bulging belly, butt, curvy legs etc.).
  • Providing advice on the selection of a suitable fabric, cut etc.
  • Tracing designs on textiles, leather, imitation leather etc. by use of tailor’s chalk.
  • Cutting out individual garments from the fabrics and other materials.
  • Handing over the cut garments to tailors for sewing.
  • Marking the clothes’ alterations with pins during testing.
  • Handing over the marked clothes to tailors for finishing.