Gross salary in Costa Rica is
10% earn less lthan 5.2M CRC
10% earns more than 11.9M CRC
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Description of job position

  • Capturing ideas on paper in the form of simple sketches.
  • Designing 2D and 3D models of products using specialised CAD software.
  • Communicating with clients, superiors and technologists.
  • Incorporating observations made in the final design.
  • Responsibility for the design, functionality, quality and safety of the proposed products.

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The most common career path of an employee

The graphic shows how employees most often progress in their careers. Click on the name of the position to get to its detail with salary data.

Position Designer - Arts & Culture in the labour market

In the salary ranking,
the job position takes

Women representation in position

Average age of respondent by position

813. place

Nursery School Teacher Assistant

Education, Science & Research

Salary group 1

2,552,964 - 5,999,028 CRC

423. place

Mechatronics Technician

Car Industry

Salary group 2

5,137,788 - 11,926,416 CRC

422. place


Arts & Culture

Salary group 2

5,229,900 - 11,854,512 CRC

421. place

Industrial Climber

Construction & Real Estate

Salary group 2

1. place

Country Manager/Director

Top Management

Salary group 3

10,617,984 - 79,306,752 CRC

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Salary report for the company

121.77 EUR*

Approximately 132.06 USD

* incl. VAT / 99.00 EUR excl. VAT

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Sample of the report →

  • Salary on position by region*, education, practice, business size
  • Total salary and its components* (variable component, commissions, rewards)
  • Responder distribution to payroll
  • Salary ranges expressed by 1st decile, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile, 9th decile, and average wage.
  • Detailed breakdown of all monitored non-financial benefits provided*
  • Financial benefit analysis*
  • * available when regression model is used