26 . Mar
Knowing your worth and earning accordingly is common sense. The global economy hasn’t been very strong in the past decade, particularly due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
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26 . Mar
Knowing your worth and earning accordingly is common sense. The global economy hasn’t been very strong in the past decade, particularly due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Salary is a crucial factor in determining an individual's financial stability and career satisfaction. Whether you're entering the workforce or seeking a raise, understanding salary structures and the...
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The hiring landscape has evolved significantly in recent years, with businesses and job seekers alike facing new challenges in determining fair salaries. Companies must strike a balance between attrac...
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In today’s dynamic process marketplace, providing aggressive salaries isn't always just about attracting top skills—it’s essential for retaining them. Employees now expect pay that reflects their capa...
Gender | Position and category | Region | Company size | Age group | Basic gross monthly salary |
Team leader Management | Uruguay | large company (250 or more employees) | 1,331.87 GBP | ||
Brand Manager Management | Mexico | n/a | 25-34 | 253.79 GBP | |
Head of Technical Department Technology, Development | Angola | medium company (51 - 249 employees) | 35-44 | 3,956.11 GBP | |
IT Project Manager Information Technology | Zug | n/a | 25-34 | 8,835.91 GBP | |
Department Director Public Administration, Self-governance | Lisbon | large company (250 or more employees) | 45-54 | 15,300.05 GBP | |
Research Worker, Scientific Worker Education, Science & Research | Basel | large company (250 or more employees) | 25-34 | 11,664.28 GBP | |
Project Assistant Administration | Departamento de Cortes | n/a | 25-34 | 941.89 GBP | |
Forklift Truck Operator Transport, Haulage, Logistics | Albania | medium company (51 - 249 employees) | 25-34 | 851.18 GBP | |
Sales Director Top Management | Troisvierges | medium company (51 - 249 employees) | 55+ | 4,999.20 GBP | |
Painter Construction & Real Estate | Roskilde | small company (up to 50 employees) | 25-34 | 2,626.75 GBP |