Compare your salary with the labor market - anonymously and for free
Salary comparison with people working the same job position
Over the past year, tens of thousands of people working in more than 700 different positions across the country filled out the questionnaire.
Security is our primary concern
We do not send salary data anywhere and it is safely stored in our database. We only use aggregated data to calculate statistics.
Anonymity guaranteed
You don't enter your name anywhere. You only provide the data necessary to obtain the most accurate comparison with the situation on the labor market.
What does the salary comparison result look like?
Salary comparison results
Administrative Worker (Administration)
Average gross salary
5,572,176 HTG
Your total salary
5,333,508 HTG
-238,668 HTG
You can improve yourself in the given position!
Your gross salary is 4% less than the average.
Your gross salary is 4% less than the average.
The displayed salary comparison only reflects your position and region.
Monthly salary in your position and in your region by age:
5,333,508 HTG
5,132,496 HTG
You earn more
201,012 HTG
201,012 HTG
5,650,752 HTG
You earn less
-317,244 HTG
-317,244 HTG
Salaries for your position in other countries:
1,867,767 HTG
1,745,723 HTG
2,367,124 HTG
What is your purchasing power based on your gross monthly pay?
You can buy a Macbook in 14 days
You can buy one Big Mac after working 15 minutes