
The salary range of employees working in Marshall Islands is, by default, in the range of 1,468.00 EUR (low salaries, employees' actual wages may be even lower) to 4,644.00 EUR (high salaries, actual salaries can be even higher).

This is the total monthly salary including bonuses. Salaries can vary significantly within individual job positions. If you are interested in salaries for a specific position, participate in the survey.

Gross salary in Marshall Islands is
10% earn less lthan 1,468 EUR
10% earns more than 4,644 EUR
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The displayed value has just informative character. Compare your salary with others to see more detailed information.

Salary ranges

Distribution of employees in Marshall Islands into salary brackets in EUR.

Salaries by age group

Average salary and range in Marshall Islands by age in EUR.

Average 2,128
median 1,964
10% 1,137
25% 1,479
75% 2,595
90% 3,321
Average 2,871
median 2,555
10% 1,282
25% 1,793
75% 3,591
90% 4,840
Average 3,303
median 2,857
10% 1,288
25% 1,907
75% 4,195
90% 5,853
Average 3,083
median 2,632
10% 1,126
25% 1,715
75% 3,934
90% 5,574
Average 2,810
median 2,478
10% 1,201
25% 1,711
75% 3,531
90% 4,812

Salaries by gender

Comparison of the average salary of men and women in Marshall Islands (EUR).

Man icon
3,146 EUR
2,563 EUR
Woman icon
In general, in Marshall Islands, men earn 22.8% more than women.

The newest profiles in the salary survey

List of the latest respondents whose data are used in further salary survey calculations.

gender icon
Primary School Teacher
Education, Science & Research
Age group
Work experience:
less than a year
Marshall Islands
Primary education
Basic gross monthly salary
5,217 USD
Basic gross monthly salary
5,217 USD
Anually salary
62,604 USD
Anually salary
62,604 USD
ClockPosted: 2024-09-25 16:43:59
gender icon
IT System Administrator
Information Technology
Age group
Work experience:
6 to 10 years
Marshall Islands
University education (Bachelor's degree)
Basic gross monthly salary
6,000 USD
Basic gross monthly salary
6,000 USD
Anually salary
72,000 USD
Anually salary
72,000 USD
ClockPosted: 2024-06-13 07:47:21
gender icon
Service Industries
Age group
Work experience:
6 to 10 years
Marshall Islands
Secondary with school-leaving examination
Basic gross monthly salary
2,520 USD
Basic gross monthly salary
2,520 USD
Anually salary
30,240 USD
Anually salary
30,240 USD
ClockPosted: 2024-05-27 17:59:59
gender icon
Economy, Finance, Accountancy
Age group
Work experience:
over 10 years
Marshall Islands
University education (Bachelor's degree)
Basic gross monthly salary
2,083 USD
Basic gross monthly salary
2,083 USD
Anually salary
24,996 USD
Anually salary
24,996 USD
ClockPosted: 2024-05-13 23:53:44
gender icon
Bailiff/Enforcement Officer
Law & Legislation
Age group
Work experience:
less than a year
Marshall Islands
Secondary with school-leaving examination
Basic gross monthly salary
3,333 USD
Basic gross monthly salary
3,333 USD
Anually salary
39,996 USD
Anually salary
39,996 USD
ClockPosted: 2024-03-21 14:36:37

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