
University diploma brings career employees significant pay boost

1 June 2018

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University education pays off according to the Paylab.com international portal. This analysis has found that the level of attained education is a key factor influencing the salary and salary growth of individuals during their lifetime. Graduate employees earn up to half more than the monthly average of those with secondary school education. Pay grows with increasing employee age - with a more dynamic career pay progression. In terms of lifetime earnings, graduates‘ salary advantage gap will typically never be narrowed by secondary school leavers.

Graduates' pay grows faster than employees with secondary school education 

Educational attainment significantly influences standard of living. Among surveyed countries, the most added-value university degree was found in Hungary where employees with university education earn a monthly average up to 69 percent more than secondary school leavers. On the other hand, the lowest education-driven salary gains are in Bulgaria and Slovakia where graduates earn just over a third more on average than non-graduates.

Paylab infographic graph how education affect salary pay boost

Higher education brings more dynamic salary growth

Differences in the salaries of employees with varying educational levels are present from the beginning of careers. In the 17-24 age group, a graduate employee in the countries surveyed earns 34% more on average than those with completed secondary education.

The pay gap increases with age as the salaries of graduates increases more dynamically. In the 35-44 age group this difference is significant, when graduates have a head start compared with secondary school leavers in the countries surveyed by up to 73 percent, and up to 83 percent in the 45-54 age group.

Such salary received by graduate employees throughout their careers cannot be matched in terms of total income for employees with secondary school education.

GRAPH PAY BOOST: The pay gap based on educational attainment is present from an early age - most at 45-54 years of age. In some countries, graduate employees of this age earn twice as much on average as employees with secondary school education.

Paylab infographic pay boost education University degree graduates Europe 2018

University graduates have more dynamic wage growth throughout their careers

University graduates can expect more significant salary increases up to 45 years of age. Secondary school graduates' progressive period with the best chance of improved pay is shorter - only up to 35 years of age. The age cut-off point for wage growth is therefore higher for university graduates compared to those with secondary school education.

In practice this means that while employees with secondary school education have slowed their pay growth by 35 years of age, the salaries of university graduates not only continue to grow but the salary gains are also much larger.

This trend of variations in salary growth based on educational attainment has been reported by Paylab.com in all monitored countries where it operates localized pay platforms.

compare salary education level

GRAPH PAY PROGRESSION: The graphs analyse income progressions according to current employee age. This does not mean that the salaries of older employees are decreasing. Such can certainly grow over time, but whenever we compare increases with the current earnings of younger employees they will be lower because after a certain age salaries develop less dynamically.

https://www.profesia.sk/imaPaylab salary analysis graph pay progression university graduates europe 2018

Paylab salary analysis graph pay progression secondary school leavers europe 2018

About Paylab

Paylab.com was set up in September 2015 and operates 16 local salary portals utilising identical data acquisition methodology, mostly in the Central Southern and Northern Europe. It also provides people from around the globe with the opportunity to compare their salary at Paylab.com.

Paylab analysed salary data collected in the recent 12 months through localised salary portals: Bosnia and Herzegovina - Plata.ba,  the Czech Republic - Platy.cz, Croatia - MojaPlaca.hr, Estonia - Palgad.ee, Finland - Palkkadata.fi, Serbia - InfoPlate.rs, Slovakia - Platy.sk, Hungary - Fizetesek.hu, Poland - PensjoMetr.pl, Slovenia - Placa.si, Lithuania - Manoalga.lt, Latvia - Algas.lv, Bulgaria - Zaplatomer.bg


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Daniela Beráková, Communication & Content Manager for Paylab.com

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