Salary data for country: Venezuela

Car Industry

Tyre Fitter

We collect data for the given position

We are constantly collecting data from employees so that we can advise you and others on what salary to negotiate in a job interview or in your current job. Fill out the questionnaire and help others.

Description of job position

  • Selling tyres for passenger and off-road vehicles, trucks and utility vehicles, metal, aluminium and alloy discs.
  • Exchanging worn or damaged tyres, discs, tubes, valves etc.
  • Repairing punctures, side punctures of tyres, sticking the tubes, sticking in the valves.
  • Inflating tyres according to the pressure recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Measuring and adjusting wheel alignment, tyre balancing.
  • Providing advice on choosing the appropriate type of tyres, discs etc.
  • Storing customer tyres during off-season.