10 April 2019
Employees working in information technology, management and administration have the greatest demand for salary information. This is based on analysis from salary questionnaires completed last year across the entire Paylab network. Salary adjustment inside companies is a dynamic process, as managers must try and balance salaries that are equitable internally and competitive externally for the given employee on the market. Employees most often complete these salary questionnaires when preparing for a job interview or a performance evaluation.
1 April 2019
Optimised salaries combined with a good team and corporate culture are the most valuable aspects that influence employee satisfaction. Fun at work is important, because we spend a third of our life working. A humour in the team is an extraordinaly way how to fight against stress and how to recharge energy. Employee salaries remain a top criterion affecting workplace loyalty.
4 March 2019
According to the Paylab international salary portal, which has monitored trends in employee salaries at the level of individual positions over the long-term, men receive on average 9 per cent more than women in the same position. The gender gap has greater testimonial value within salary analysis through the optics of the same position, because such salary comparison is based on an identical workload and approximately the same prerequisites, such as experience, education, and skills.
12 February 2019
Employees who encounter a diverse mix of people in terms of age, origin and ethnicity, parenthood and physical disabilities at their current workplace have fewer prejudices and are more open to accepting those who are different from them. Workplace experience with diversity helps break down barriers. Those who experience diversity with respect to their fellow employees are up to twice as accommodating and open with respect to a positive perception of marginalised groups at work compared to employees who don’t have the same workplace diversity. This was confirmed in all nine countries that participated in the international Paylab Diversity Study.
12 February 2019
The international Paylab Diversity Study shows that four in ten employees in Europe do not experience diversity at their current workplace. This diversity involves the composition of employees at the workplace from a variety of aspects. Paylab focused on 6 key areas: age, maternity, origin, ethnicity or nationality, physical disability and sexual identity/orientation. These aspects often represent a barrier to employment. The goal of the study was to determine the extent to which employees in work teams come into contact with foreigners, members of minority and ethnic groups, persons with physical disabilities, mothers of small children, employees over the age of 55 and persons with a different sexual orientation/identity.
23 January 2019
Analysis from Paylab, an international salary portal, suggests that people who are entering the labour market for the first time have the most ambitious expectations with regard to their salaries. The older the job applicants are, the more realistic are their salary expectations. In addition, they have a tendency to undervalue their potential salary at a job position with which they had no prior experience. The most ambitious salary expectations can be seen with employees under 24 years old. On average, Generation Z – that is, current graduates and labour market newbies – expect a salary that is about 9 percent higher than real salaries in this age group.
13 January 2019
Financial benefits are an attractive source of money and are able to significantly augment the fixed component of one’s annual income. Employers use these benefits to motivate employees throughout the calendar year. Some of them also awarded an year-end bonus to thank them for their overall performance at the end of the fiscal year. It is important to remember that only some employers offer this form of financial benefits. It largely depends on the employer’s financial condition. Non-financial benefits are more prevalent in practice. The Paylab salary portal analysed the salaries and prevalence of financial benefits for individual positions.
6 August 2018
The international Paylab network, which includes 19 localised salary portals, has introduced an innovative way of salary data processing. The innovation lies in the use of regression models that improve the salary analyses and provide more comprehensive and detailed data on employee remuneration. This method makes it possible to extract much more information from the collected data and, according to the relationships between the individual datasets, better estimate salaries for job positions with insufficient salary data. It can also fully satisfy a wider range of clients interested in salary reports.
19 July 2018
The guarantee of a regular wage paid to one’s account is the main reason why the vast majority of working people still prefer internal employment to freelancing. This is the result of an international Paylab Data Research survey, which took place in May and June 2018 over a sample of 42,800 respondents in 11 European countries. The overwhelming majority of employees (78%) still believe internal employment is a better form of working relationship with an employer than external collaboration (freelancing).
18 June 2018
Time is money and that goes double for the company benefit of extra holiday time. In other words, a company is willing to provide an employee with more time off that is included their salary. More time off during the calendar year is currently one of the most attractive modern company benefits. A Paylab.com survey found that its attractiveness, together with flexible working hours, is on the rise. How many employees do receive 1 to 5 extra days off over and above the legally mandated holiday time? In some countries, however, going on holiday is a true luxury.